one June night...

It was a cloudless, moonless night along Lake Huron. The wind brushed softly through the pines and waves lapped gently on the shore. Dark velvet sky with stars spread like torches across the heavens. Brilliant they were. So bright, that the waves were lit up by their glow. I was in love. So in love with Bob and so passionately in love with God that the two merged to make a cosmic unity in my heart with the earth, sky, waves, and the spangled universe. ahhh! sigh...
We snuggled into the sand, backs against a partially uprooted tree. How perfect! Waves rolled rhythmically like stolid sentinels along an azure sea. So in love!
As we had walked up I thought, "God, I am so in love with you and so in love with Bob and the stars are so bright-I have never seen so many stars before. This would be a perfect time to see you, or an angel." Nestled up against the tree, we had just begun to snuggle when an awful awareness came upon us. Mushrooming on and under the surface of the water like the cloud from an atomic bomb, the water was glowing. It was growing! It thickened and mushroomed in the water and became so large so fast and started moving towards us that we panicked and tried to move back away from the glowing mass! What was it? Bob thought it was a tidal wave. I thought it was the Lord coming or an angel. In fear, I thought, "No! I'm not ready Lord!"
As we scrambled away from the tree root to try to run, not 20 feet from us, a car without the motor running but with the lights on was coasting, slowly, down the boat ramp toward the water.

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