
Showing posts from 2014

Political Science 101

High School Political Science teacher waiving arms in a great circle in the air to show us his theory. There is no left or right. When one extreme goes too far to the right it goes left. When one extreme goes too far to the left it goes right. Years later I thanked him for his viewpoint and told him how much it had meant to me. He didn't even remember.  Over the years, it helped me to analyze (when my stomach churned at loud demonstrative political discussions) what might really be going on.


Trust is a difficult thing for those trashed by society. A friend sought me out and shared many things. What choice did I have but to listen, to empathize, to comfort, to encourage, to reflect back what he was sharing and what I thought he wanted me to understand What choice did I have but to empathize and listen some more... to encourage... to respect... And I was asked What do you think about... (political opinion which is currently a very hot topic, which we had differing viewpoints on, but which I felt was irrelevant to not only our conversation but to our relationship) I chose to say that is irrelevant.  It doesn't matter what I think.  That is not what this relationship is about.  And I think I was right to do so because, in this instance, his emotions were so caught up into his vulnerability and his trauma that it would serve him no good.  My friendship with him was not one in which I was to point out differences.  His wounds were too fresh and vulnerable.  My
A few months (or more?) ago I received an email asking me to consider being a precinct delegate. Can you represent the viewpoint of (those in your area)? In my mind, I calmly replied, "No."  I don't understand or agree with the opinions of a number of those in my area.  Yesterday, I was at a small market.  I pointed out a large piece of meat priced at $3.55 - weighing over three pounds @ $3.99 a pound.  Every piece was priced at that remarkable rate.  As the woman instructed a worker to re-price them, the worker said, "You mean someone was actually stupid enough to think that piece of meat would be priced at that rate?" I am reminded of prevailing attitudes...which I could not represent. And I recall: "Because of the increase of iniquity and idolatry, the love of many will grow cold." And I think, do people realize, when they chose to angrily stand on platforms rather than on love in reaction to things they disagree, they are as "a noisy