A few months (or more?) ago I received an email asking me to consider being a precinct delegate.
Can you represent the viewpoint of (those in your area)?
In my mind, I calmly replied, "No."  I don't understand or agree with the opinions of a number of those in my area. 

Yesterday, I was at a small market.  I pointed out a large piece of meat priced at $3.55 - weighing over three pounds @ $3.99 a pound.  Every piece was priced at that remarkable rate. 
As the woman instructed a worker to re-price them, the worker said, "You mean someone was actually stupid enough to think that piece of meat would be priced at that rate?"

I am reminded of prevailing attitudes...which I could not represent.
And I recall: "Because of the increase of iniquity and idolatry, the love of many will grow cold."

And I think, do people realize, when they chose to angrily stand on platforms rather than on love in reaction to things they disagree, they are as "a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal"?

I think not.

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