The God of helicopters

Many years ago I worked at a place where helicopters landed on the roof. When the wind was just right, the room would fill with vapors or smoke. Asthma was exacerbated and stress and alarm skyrocketed when this continued again and again.
I felt powerless. It was hard to stay work focused when health was at risk. Though many of us wrote to request change...months went by...air meters were placed and found nothing...They were even considering moving the fuel to the building top.

Karen called...
"I had a nightmare and you were being chased by a white helicopter."

"Karen, the helicopter that lands on the roof is white!"

She prayed. We prayed.
"It would take hundreds of thousands of dollars to move the helicopter pad," they said.
"If this is being a health consideration, perhaps you should find a different job," they said.

The helicopter was moved and I did not lose my job.

God works in mysterious ways!

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