Sue! Have Grace!

Oh indeed! Yes!
I need you to just come right here and set by the fire...
you know I ALWAYS tell my stories best by the fire...
with popcorn...
and hot chocolate...
and fireflies
and juuuuune bugs landing on the screen...

Story One...on "GRACE!" by Susan Lois Metler Henry

Eleven years younger than me, my cousin, Mary, had come to us from England for a visit.
GAP clothes and LEVI jeans were on her agenda. What to do what to do? We were trying to show her a good time but she was so much younger than us. What was she interested in? Finally, after trying many things, we sought to show her a good time by taking her to Jackson, MI (an hours drive) to see the light show on water which synchronized with music. Arriving early at my insistence so that we could get good seats, we sat on these blocks of cement set out especially for seating. What did I expect? I didn't know! All I knew is it was almost time and it might have started and these women seated right in front of us were STANDING and TALKING LOUDLY and it might be started (I didn't know) and it was rude and I wanted my cousin to have a good time.
And so
And So
And SO
I let them have it.
Speaking quite loudly and facing them so that the could clearly hear, I began talking about how rude they were and why didn't they sit down and and and
my cousin,
11 years younger
and cool and wearing GAP clothes and LEVI jeans
leaned over and quite quickly and rather firmly as if shushing a rather juvenile adult child
And it never occurred to me to do that.
And I didn't understand.
And I thought she was wrong.
And I thought about it for years and years before I finally understood.
And, I wondered, why had no one ever told me that before or pointed out that kind of thing?

And the light show, by the way, that stopped traffic and caused snarls of people and that we had left early and sat on hard cement blocks especially close to save seats for...
was very very very boring!

And I was ashamed (but not for the right reasons).
And I still didn't understand.
It took me a very long long long time to draw a clear and accurate picture in my mind of how that meant GRACE.

And, by the way, you could save $90 back in the late 1980s buying your Levis in the U.S. instead of England....

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