"Every man, heart lay down"

A book published by a Quaker publishing house tells in simple prose how God laid his heart down for us.

When I was a teen, a man told me my dog was smarter than I because he (Charlie) had valiantly and repeatedly pulled on my pantleg to try to make me leave when harm was planned for me.

Laying heart down. How many ways can we realize that?
- Is it when a man chooses forthrightly to listen to a woman though anger has turned her tongue irrational?
Those of us who love because He (Jesus) first loved us may have one idea.
- What are ways that you have learned to lay your heart down?
- Has that made a difference in any of your relationships or in how you choose to live your life?

I have fought a double-edged sword because I first chose in ways that actually were not God's will and in ways that pulled me down. I have learned (and am learning) to make other choices.

What choices have you made? And, was the impact good or bad for you? And why?

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